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27 Apr

Incompatibility in Ayurveda

Incompatibility is the state which renders admixture of remedies unsuitable through chemical action, insolubility or formation of poisonous compounds. Anything that causes aggravation of dosha but does not expel them out of body is called viruddha. Ahara includes both foods and drugs. Some of the substances will stimulate the doshas and activate them towards pathological […]

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10 Sep

Ayurveda Food for Kapha Prakruti

  Taste preference for kapha prakruti are pungent, bitter & astringent Avoid sweet, salt & sour tastes in excess Hot foods & atmosphere, light foods are beneficial Grains like millet, corn & barley are good All bitter vegetables are good Fruits like pomegranate, apricots are good Sesame oil is good Spices like garlic, ginger, pepper, […]

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01 Sep

Ayurveda Food for Pitta Prakruti

  Taste preference for pitta prakruti are sweet, bitter & astringent Cold foods & atmosphere, mild heavy are beneficial Coconut oil, ghee & milk products are good Grains like wheat, rice, barley are good Coriander, cardamom, cinnamon, fennel, turmeric etc sweet & astringent spices are good. Vegetables like cucumber, potatoes, asparagus, leafy greens, sprouts, watermelon, […]

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  • Ayurveda FoodAyurveda Nutrition
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